
Saturday, June 01, 2002

Backpacker of the year award
The first nominee for this award, which exists to recognise outstanding contribution to the field of cross-country camaraderie is the wiley Canuck Farouk. In true travelling form, I have no idea what his surname is, but let's not get caught up on the details so early on, shall we? At dinner last night I mentioned, while we were comparing hangovers, that I was starting to feel sick, and had been tired for about two weeks. We leave dinner about an hour later and Farouk goes back to his hostel to give someone a book or something. When he joins the gang again, he surprises me with some vitamin C and echinacea tablets. What a legend. Ladies, flock to this man on his return to Montreal. He will look after you.

Czech Republic in five words or less
Hangovers: the horror, the horror
Pleasant sights through bleary eyes


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