
Friday, February 27, 2004

an office in london
What a Friday afternoon I have in front of me. Last Friday me and the kiwi guys were lolling about bored, talking crap mostly but occasionally turning the conversation towards work whenever someone boss-related walked by. While in one of those half-hearted work convos, we agreed that it would be a GREAT way to spend the next Friday (ie today) afternoon sitting in a meeting room, continuing our current arrangement – talk about work a little, then talk about Woody Allen or whether one should go to Libya or which Pret is the best one around here (the one near the Books Etc, the one over the road, or the one behind Scotland Yard). And we’ll invite that kiwi girl from Walking & Cycling. It’ll be fun. You know.

And the meeting is a good idea strictly from the business sense anyway. These people probably actually DO need to know about the forms and process I’ve redesigned for them. Why not, really? So I run it past my boss very quickly so all he sees is a flash of paper about a ‘training session’, and he likes it, and I’m doing it – what a victory! A Friday afternoon sitting around talking with me and a few mates!

I just got the sixteenth acceptance to the meeting.

For fuck's sake.


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